Thursday, September 3, 2015

1 Year Down, 2 to Go

MCC Cambodia and visitors from the Board
Every time I was asked "how long have you been here?" this summer I always felt like it was a surprise to myself to reply "almost a year." Well officially, it has been one year since I came to Cambodia. A year ago today I said goodbye to my parents at the airport and got on a plane to the other side of the world. I remember being very excited until the plane was flying and it finally hit me that I was going to Cambodia, a country I'd never been to in a part of the world I'd never been too or studied in any significant way for three years. I remember sitting in the plane thinking to myself, "What have I done?"

Well, despite my fears, I'm still here and going strong. The year has had many ups and downs: frustration over language study, being driven insane by my host siblings, ice cream outing with the other Service Workers, sleep overs with the SALTers, lonely evenings in my apartment, parasites, colds, minor moto accidents, cultural misunderstandings, eating strange new things, falling in love with tropical fruits, movie nights with friends, delicious dinners and long talks, unexpected trips, beautiful places, and not so beautiful ones.

Reflecting on this past year, all I can do is smile and look forward to the unknown adventures that the next two years will hold.

Bat Phnom

View from my host family's house

Phnom Penh from the River

Royal Palace

Takeo Province

View from my apartment

Sunset over the Gulf of Thailand in Sihanoukville

Attending a discussion the Women's Rights with WPM

Khmer wedding with MCC Staff

Field visit with WPM

River dolphin watching in Kratie

Horseback riding in Sihanoukville

Airport goodbyes with the 2014-2015 SALTers

Taipei, Taiwan trip

Monks processing in front of the Royal Palace


  1. Love the photos, love the colors. Is it safe to assume you're on the downward slide to your original hair color? And happy one year anniversary!! May the rest of your stay be just as long as it needs to be.

  2. :D Yes, I'm going back to a more natural color. I might dye it a dark brown in the next month or two but from there I'm just going to grow it out.

  3. I'm so happy that you're having this experience and so jealous!
