Monday, September 26, 2016

2 Years Down, 1 to Go!

With MCC staff at a Khmer Wedding
I can't believe I didn't post a 2 year anniversary post! Well better late than never!

I've officially been in Cambodia for over two years now. I could never have imagined everything these past two years have held. This year I've been horseback riding, said hello and goodbye to many friends, I held a monkey, I found a new passion in the circus, I've attended weddings, I've visited Kep, Koh Kong, Bangkok, Siem Reap, Angkor Wat, Kuala Lumpur, and Bali, I've climbed a waterfall, I've performed in a choir concert, I've taken a home leave and been able to reconnect with my family and old friends, I've visited the Khmer Rouge Trials twice, I've lead part of a workshop, I've gone on prison visits, I've been to workshops in the province, I've made new amazing friends and reconnected with old ones, and most of all I've learned so much about myself that I'm not sure I could put it all into words.

Riding in Areyksat

Holding a monkey in Kep

Going to a Khmer wedding

Wearing a traditional skirt at a workshop
MCC retreat in Koh Kong

Waterfall during MCC Retreat in Koh Kong

Canal tour in Bangkok

Belle Voce Community Choir Christmas Concert
Celebrating at an MCC Wedding
Thmor Roung during WPM Staff Retreat

Bayon Temple at Angkor Wat
Baltimore with friends on home leave

Philly Friends during home leave

Favorite resturant in Kep
Silks class at the circus

Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur

Terraced farming in Bali with Rachel

Contortion class at the circus

YALT farewell boatride

Hoop/lyra class at the circus

Here's to another year of adventures and learning!

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