Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Belle Voce Christmas Concert

One of my joys these past couple months as been participating in the Belle Voce Community Choir. While I sang in choirs and did music camps all through middle school and high school, I stopped performing in college. I was so excited to discover Belle Voce here in Phnom Penh and to start singing again. Last Sunday, we had our Christmas Concert, to a packed house of 700 people, and on Tuesday we performed at a Christmas Party at the residency of the British Ambassador. We have one last performance this season that I'm looking forward to. Belle Voce has not only been a chance for me to get back into music and to try to regain some of the skill I lost over the past few years, but also an opportunity to meet new people from all over the world and to make new friends.

The whole concert is available on youtube but I've attached our performance of The Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah (until about 4:30), Glory Glory (starting at about 8:10), and He's Got the Whole World (starting at about 12:40). In case you can't find me, I'm the second from the left in the first row- just look for the pink hair.

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