Tuesday, September 16, 2014


So the truth is I was really not looking forward doing a home stay. I don't think I'm to the happy I'm doing it anyway point yet, but it is nice to go home to a house with adorable children.
I'm living with a multi generational family. My host mother, hence forth called Maac (Khmer for mother), has her daughter and the 2 granddaughters living with her. One of her sons and his family live in an apartment downstairs. The two nights I've been there all of us have eaten dinner together.
The apartment is small. The main room functions as a living room, dining room, kitchen, and bedroom for the family. Maac sleeps on the only bed while her daughter and grandchildren share a mat on the floor. There are 3 little side rooms. One is a bathroom, one functions as a closet and storage area, and the other was converted into a private bedroom for me.
Though I am still a bit trepidacious about this whole host family thing, I'm looking forward to the adventures these next 2 months will hold.
Oooh! I finally got a bike! I have freedom of movement... not that I know how to get anywhere...

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